Skyborn France


Skyborn France is a wholly owned subsidiary of Skyborn Renewables, a pioneer and leading offshore wind power developer and operator with more than 20 years’ experience and a track record of more than 7 GW built, approved or under procurement around the globe to date.

Guillain Chapelon

General Manager France

Skyborn France has its headquarters in Paris and an office in Nantes. The company was established in 2007 with the aim of developing offshore wind power along French coasts to contribute to France's goal of achieving 40% of renewable electricity by 2030 (against 20% at present) and 45 GW of offshore wind power by 2050 (against approximately 2 GW today).

With about 350,000 sq. m of coast line, France benefits from the 2nd-largest maritime area in Europe. The offshore wind industry could bring significant benefits to the national energy system, as well as economic and social benefits to regional communities through opening up new employment opportunities and technological developments.

Since 2012, seven fixed offshore wind projects have been awarded, their commissioning will last from 2022 to 2025. Several offshore wind tenders are currently open and should be awarded in 2023 – 2024.


Skyborn France is actively seeking opportunities to partner, acquire or finance other promising offshore wind projects with various industry players, ranging from local developers, energy distribution companies and transmission companies, and other stakeholders.


    Skyborn is committed to the development of offshore wind energy in France. Our activities are characterised by commitment, development and a long-term approach. Our goal is to work with authorities, political decision makers, the business community and local residents to implement profitable and sustainable projects that supply France with clean and affordable energy from offshore wind. Skyborn, together with EDF RE & EIH (Enbridge & CPP Investments) is proud to have been awarded for both Fécamp and Calvados offshore wind farms.



      Fécamp OWF is one of the first offshore wind projects in France and has been initiated by Skyborn in 2007. Siemens Gamesa builz a manufacture in Le Havre for the wind turbines. The 71 x Gravity-type foundations were constructed and assembled in Le Havre. The whole project provides 770,000 people with clean, offshore wind electricity.



      1. WTG: 71 x Siemens Gamesa (SWT-7.0-154)
      2. Location: Between 13 and 24 km to Fécamp coast
      3. Substation: Offshore substation – by Chantiers de l’Atlantique Offshore Energy
      4. Project debt finance: Portfolio of major European banks
      5. Awarded: PFI Europe Green Deal of the Year 2020
      6. Status: Commissioned in 2024


      The Calvados OWF will benefit from turbines manufactured in Le Havre, while foundations should be manufactured in Europe. The 64 x Monopile type foundations are built and installed by Saipem. The project will generate about 1,000 local employments and 630,000 people to be provided with offshore wind electricity.



      1. WTG: 64 x Siemens Gamesa (SWT-7.0-154)
      2. Location: More than 10 km distance to shore
      3. Substation: Offshore substation – by Chantiers de l’Atlantique Offshore Energy
      4. Project debt finance: Portfolio of major European banks
      5. Status: Construction start in 2021

      For further information please visit the projects’ websites:

      Under tender:

      • AO7 - Atlantic South / Éoléron

        1,000 MW – Skyborn in a consortium formed with Cobra
