Skyborn Finland


Skyborn Renewables Offshore Finland Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Skyborn Renewables, a pioneer and leading offshore wind power developer and operator with more than 20 years’ experience and a track record of more than 7 GW built, approved or under procurement around the globe to date.

Skyborn Finland is based in Espoo, and was established in 2007 with the aim of developing, building and operating offshore wind power in Finland and contributing to Finland’s goal of becoming carbon-neutral, and the first fossil-free welfare society, by 2035.

The means to achieve the target include the new climate policy decisions, nearly emissions-free electricity and heat production by the end of the 2030s, and reducing the carbon footprint of building, promoting a circular economy, and pursuing a climate-friendly food policy.

In fact, Finland has competitive offshore wind resources, and the industry could bring significant benefits to the national energy system as well as economic and social benefits to regional communities through opening up new employment opportunities and technological developments. It can also leverage existing skills of abundant oil and gas professionals in the region. Offshore wind is seen as a key partner for P2X development in Finland and also other new business areas which will need a great deal of renewable electricity in their business.

Moreover, local economies will benefit throughout the project through our various consultations and collaboration with communities and local partners to ensure that local requirements and needs are met.


Skyborn Finland is actively seeking opportunities to partner, acquire or finance other promising offshore wind projects with various industry players, ranging from developers, energy distribution companies and/or transmission companies, and various other players in renewable electricity value change.


Currently, Skyborn is working on two projects in Finland. Our activities are characterised by commitment, development and a long-term approach. Our goal is to work with authorities, political decision makers, the business community and local residents to implement profitable and sustainable projects that supply Finland with clean and affordable energy from offshore wind.

  • Pooki

    Pooki Offshore Wind Farm, an extension of former Suurhiekka project, situated in the pristine waters of the Bothnian Bay in Finnish territory 25 kilometers from the shore and with an average water depth of 20 metres. Once constructed, this project will set the standards for offshore wind farms in Northern Finland. The current project plan envisions the installation of around 100 wind turbines with a combined capacity of over 2 GW.

  • Reimari

    Early phase project for 150 WTG and up to 3.6 GW nominal power.
